Sunday, 16 February 2025, 9:57 AM
Site: The RSTP eTraining Platform
Course: The RSTP eTraining Platform (RSTP eTraining)
Glossary: Glossary
UndertakingA written undertaking to the Minister, sometimes referred to as an application to sponsor, to make provision for reception, care, lodging and settlement assistance for a refugee and their named accompanying and non accompanying family members in the expected community of settlement. The typical sponsorship undertaking is for a period of 12 months (longer in exceptional circumstances if agreed to by the SAH) from the date of arrival of the refugee or until the refugee becomes self-supporting and no longer requires settlement assistance, whichever is less. Refer to Sections 138 "undertaking" and 141 and Subsections 154(2) and (3) of IRPR. |
UNHCRUNHCR stands for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Commonly referred to as the the United Nations refugee agency, the UNHCR has a mandate to lead and co-ordinate international refugee protection actions and support refugees in their voluntary repatriation, local integration or resettlement to a third country. The UNHCR also provides humanitarian assistance to 'persons of concern' such as Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and others in their countries of origin. |
Urgent need of protectionUrgent need of protection means, in respect of a member of the Convention refugee abroad class and the Country of asylum class, that their life, liberty or physical safety is under immediate threat and, if not protected, the person is likely to be:
Urgent Protection Program (UPP)A case in need of urgent protection is one where the life, liberty or physical well-being of a refugee is under immediate threat. These cases are assigned the highest processing priority to offer resettlement as a tool of protection. Resettlement in urgent protection cases is undertaken as a priority where there is no other way to guarantee the security of the person concerned. Resettlement in these cases is the best, and often the only protection response. |